A Camera, Tripod and an iPhone…

As a followup to my last post, "Cut the Clutter", here's a photograph I made just for fun with my good friend Tyrome Jackson. 100% of everything captured here is done so in camera; No Photoshop tricks with this one! Just trying something new and testing the limits of the Canon 5DMKII @ 6400 ISO. This is one minute exposure, mounted to a tripod, in darkness with a bit of diffused moonlight and light-painted using nothing but an iPhone with the "flashlight" app.. I'm a firm believer in stepping outside your box and trying new creative approaches! There's always something new to learn… In this case, pretty much all of the "fancy photo gear" was eliminated proving that all one needs here is a stable tripod, a decent camera and a constant 5500k light source for light painting.  

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